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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am not Martha Stewart.

So I've been staying at home for 3 years now (Happy Birthday, Laney!) For some reason, I thought the very act of staying at home with my children would hone certain areas of my skill set. I've become a better cook, I've gained patience, I may even be a *slightly* better housekeeper.

Still not crafty.

But I keep trying. A few weeks back I saw a bloated, aged Brendan Frasier make sidewalk chalk on Martha Stewart. He seemed either drunk or high (both?) and was able to create a colorful and neat chalk. So I figured that I could do this too. Or at least Laney, who has some skill and an actual attention span for this sort of thing, could enjoy this project.

The prep--took empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls. Duct taped the bottom, rolled a piece of parchment in each. Used big plastic cups (think house party-$5 cup) and disposable plastic cutlery for mixing.

The mix--a cup of water in each cup. 4-6 tablespoons of tempura paint mixed in. slowly mixed in a cup to a cup and a half of Plaster of Paris.

The set-up--poured PoP mix into cardboard cylinders. Let sit a couple of hours. Peeled off cardboard and parchment. Waited until the next day to use.

The result--ok, we made sidewalk chalk. The pros-an active project for the kids, a very colorful chalk, a good-size cylinder for little hands. The cons-messy, much more expensive to make than to buy, and oddly Mia keeps eating the homemade chalk. Can't explain that one.

Also in the Martha/Encino Man segment--homemade watercolors. Hmmmm.....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to Blog!

So summer is officially over and so is my break from blogging. To recap the summer--we played outside. There, everyone's caught up. Blogging over the summer would have made for some pretty boring writes--we put our crafting and cooking aside in favor of running wild, swinging, sliding, swimming and gardening. The weather is chilling so we're spending more time back inside and getting creative again.

Apple season came quickly this year and we've already had our first big batch. We ate most by hand but had a few to use up and wanted to do it healthfully.

Apple Chips

Slice apples thinly (I didn't peel; I love the peel.)
Line cookie sheet with parchment
Arrange apple slices in one layer over parchment
Sprinkle with desired seasoning (we did some cinnamon sugar, some curry, some kosher salt)
Bake at 250 until crisp (an hour or so)

There you go!